FREE, Unbiased User Feedback: How to Get Total Strangers to Test Your Therapy Website

by | Oct 7, 2015 | How To & Tips, Online Marketing

Here at CMTW, I’m all about giving you tools to help improve your website, save time, and make your online marketing life easier. So, I wanted to share a simple tool that I love that will give you valuable, un-biased feedback of your therapist website.

It’s called Peek.

The Peek homepage

What is Peek?

Peek is a free service of a website called This is a website that allows you to conduct tests of your website’s functionality, usability and any other thing you want to know about how people use your site. You create some tasks for people to perform and finds people and records video of them using your website and talking through their experience.

It’s pretty darn cool.

With Peek, you get a quick, 5-minute video of a complete stranger reviewing your website. Because it’s free, they do limit you to 3 tests per month, but hey, that’s 15 minutes of free feedback. Not a bad deal!

Why You Should Use Peek User Testing

Unless you’re like me and you have a spouse that will tell you like it is (even if it’s bad), getting honest and unbiased feedback on your website can be tricky. Mom is always proud of what you do, and friends sometimes don’t want to hurt your feelings.

That’s why having random people review your website is such a benefit. You get a smattering of feedback from all types of ages, locations, occupations and lifestyles. Looking into such feedback can give you great insight into how the majority of users view and use your website.

Also, I know I can develop extreme blindspots when working for so long on a website. I know exactly why I put a button where I did, or made the navigation a certain size, so it makes sense to me. But if the average person can’t figure out what my site is about or how to navigate it, well then, I have a big problem.

A problem that I may not have known was there without a consensus of feedback.

How To Use Peek

Ok, so are you ready to use this simple tool and get some feedback on your website RIGHT NOW? Great!

In just 2-minute’s time, you can request your first free website review.

Just head over to

Enter your website’s URL:

Enter your website URL into Peek

Click ‘start’ and fill in your name, phone number and email address:

Enter info for User Test

Then click on ‘get my test!’

That’s it! Depending on their volume of requests, you’ll get your video in you inbox in a day or so. I’ve had them arrive in less than four hours after submitting my info.

After submitting your info into Peek

What You Get

You’ll receive an email with a link to a video (you can also download the video directly) of a random internet user testing out your website. You’ll hear the person talk through their experience and answer these three questions:

  1. What is your first impression of this webpage? What is this page for?
  2. What is the first thing you’d like to do on this page? Please go ahead and try and do that now. Please describe your experience.
  3. What stood out to you on this website? What, if anything frustrated you about this site? Please summarize your thoughts regarding this website.

What To Do With The Feedback You Receive

The three questions above may seem extremely general at first, but over time, as you watch more and more of these videos, you’ll see patterns appear. Take notes of these patterns so that you can address them in the future.

Maybe a handful of people run into issues navigating your website. Take their feedback to heart and work out how you can make your navigation more intuitive and/or prominent.

I always find the first question especially helpful. If someone comes to my website and within a few seconds can’t figure out what it is that my site offers, I have work to do. And likewise, if someone lands on your therapy website and they can’t tell who you work with or what you specialize in quickly, you may want to rethink how some of your content is laid out.

It’s sometimes funny and surprising to see the things that people will get hung up on. You can take some of the feedback with a grain of salt, UNLESS those patterns emerge and multiple people are getting stuck on the same thing on your website. Don’t change your site for one random person, but do change if the majority give the same feedback.

So, quit asking what your closest friends and family think of your website, (they may not be so honest) and start getting some quick, valuable feedback from unbiased folks around the internet, using Peek.

I’d love to hear about what you learn, so please leave a comment below!

Cheers to better websites!

Oh, and FYI, I’m not affiliated with Peek in anyway. I just love this tool and it has helped me out tremendously and I wanted to pass it along to you all. Enjoy!

And if you don’t already have your one, let me show you how to set up your private practice website in just 10 minutes.


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